Skapa företagslista i Sverige Företagskatalog

Du kommer att märka att DITT företag växer som ett direkt resultat av din relation till Sverige Företagskatalog. Vi erbjuder ett integrerat synsätt på marknadsföring på nätet för företag i Sverige. Webbplatsen möjliggör för konsumenter att ge omdömen, betygssätta, kommentera och rekommendera företag och produkter de använt. SwedYello är ett lätt sätt att få ditt företag att nå ut till fler kunder.


  •   10-day review process
  •   No User
  • Can't update listing any time
    Can't reply reviews and questions
    No enquiries inbox
  •   Standart listing
  •   Standart listing placement on:
    Search results
    Selected categories
    Added keywords
  • 3 Kategorier
  • 2 Nyckelord
  • 1 Foton
  • 0 Produkter
  • 0 Job Offers


one time registration fee
  •   Instant Aproval
  •   User
  • Update listing any time
    Reply reviews, questions
    Read enquiries inbox
  •   Standart listing
  •   Standart listing placement on:
    Search results
    Selected categories
    Added keywords
  • 6 Kategorier
  • 5 Nyckelord
  • 4 Foton
  • 3 Produkter
  • 10 Job Offers


one time fee, never pay again
  •   Instant Aproval
  •   User
  • Update listing any time
    Reply reviews, questions
    Read enquiries inbox
  •   Highlighted listing
  •   Top listing placement on:
    Search results
    Selected categories
    Added keywords
    Above premium Preview
  • 20 Kategorier
  • 15 Nyckelord
  • 100 Foton
  • 100 Produkter
  • 100 Job Offers

We Acccept

Questions & Answers

Will my business be visible on Google?

As we are not partnered with any search engines, we cannot guarantee that you will appear in the top search engine results.

Will my listing appear on your other websites?

As your listing is country specific it will only appear on that directory website (

What does a Premium/ Lifetime listing mean?

Premium/Lifetime listings are published at the top of our search results, categories and keywords. If there is more than one premium listing with the same keyword, we will reposition the listing every 24 hours. Each listing will share top position for an equal amount of time as other premium listings with the same keywords.

Can I delete a bad review?

Unfortunately, you cannot delete your business reviews, however you can contact the site administrator to request a delete it for you. Please use our "Help & Support" section to request a removal. If the review is unfair, inappropriate or damaging, we will do our best to remove it as soon as possible.

Can I cancel my membership and get refund?

You have the right to cancel your membership and we will refund you in full up to 30 days after completing your business listing submission if you are not fully satisfied. Please read here Terms of Service

Why choose SwedYello?

Be Found

If you want your business to be found, you need to be where your customers are searching  and thats increasingly online. Your customers need to find you anywhere, at any time, and on the SwedYello, your business details are available 24/7.


SwedYello has been in operation for more than 15 years and has established a reputation as a trusted website. Users can be confident that the information and services provided on the website are accurate and reliable.


Getting listed on SwedYello makes it easier for your business to be found by potential customers searching online. Your business gets an online listing which includes your contact details, interactive map, information about your products and services, images and even ratings and reviews from your customers.


SwedYello is a localized website that caters to the needs of users in Sverige. This means that you'll find relevant information and services that are specific to the country.